Calculating slope and offset for analog inputs

Calculating slope and offset for analog inputs is much easier with this little tool:

Download “Calculate Slope and Offset for analog inputs” Calc_Slope_Offset.xls – Downloaded 3530 times – 39,00 kB

It helps to calculate from voltage to engineer's unit in our airQlog-data logger. In the example above we calculate the slope and offset values for a temperature sensor with a range of -30°C to 70°C and a output signal of 4 to 20 mA.

I hope you find this file useful,


Summit 2019

We are very proud that so many guests from all over the world attended our sales and technical summit this year. We hope they come back next year and help us to develop and spread out the airpointer even more with the time. A lot of thanks to all of you participants, I hope you have/had a safe journey home.

Andreas, in the name of the whole MLU-recordum team

Doing final test 😉

Our new office

Changing place is a big task for a company, the development office is finished as you can see on the picture above. The colleagues from production have the bigger part, they are working heavily to setup production again.

Your new address is:
Environmental Monitoring Solutions GmbH
Werner Heisenberg-Str. 4
2700 Wiener Neustadt

With best regards

Work in progress

Starting up our site is new experience for us, the technical team of MLU-recordum. For sure it will take a while until everything is filled up with the content we want to share.

So have a look from time to time and find out new things about us and our products.

Andreas Müllauer